CBS News and Press Releases

Public Notice: Caution on Virtual Assets
The Central Bank of Somalia (CBS) issues this advisory to inform and warn the public about the risks associated with virtual assets such as Bitcoin, Stablecoins and other cryptocurrencies. These digital currencies are not recognised as legal tender in Somalia, and no financial institution in the country is currently licensed to conduct activities and operations relating to exchange, transfer, payment, investment, or any other services using virtual assets.

Wargalin Dadweyne: Ka feejignow Isticmaalka Lacagaha Daahsoon (Virtuals Assets-ka)
Bankiga Dhexe ee Soomaaliya (BDHS) waxa uu ku warganilanayaa ugana digayaa dadweynaha khatarta ay leedahay lacagta daahsoon loo yaqaan (Virtual Assets) sida Bitcoin. Stablecoins, iyo kuwa kale ee lamidka ah. Soomaaliya lagama aqoonsana lacagaha Dahsoon (Not legal tender in Somalia), sidoo kale majirto hay’ad maaliyadeed oo shati u haysata in ay ka ganacsato adeeg maaliyadeed oo ku saabsan Lacagaha Dahsoon, sida sarifka, xawilaadda, lacag bixinta, maalgashiga, ama nooc kale oo adeeg maaliyadeed ah iyada oo la isticmaalayo lacagta daahsoon (virtual assets).

Guddiga Qaran ee Ka-Hortaga Lacag Dhaqista iyo La Dagaalanka Maalgalinta
Argagixisadda waxa uu fadhigoodii qabsoomay 24 Maarso 2024 ansixiyay Hage (Guideline)
lagu xadaynaayo dhaqdhaqaaqa Adeegga Lacagta Taleefanada (Mobile Money Service).
Hagahan oo uu Bankiga Dhexe soo diyaariyay ayaa waxa ujeedadiisu tahay in lagu yareeyo
loogana hortago khataraha ka dhalan kara adeeggan maaliyadeed ee muhiimka u ah shacabka
in lagu maalgaliyo argagixisada..

A New dawn for Somalia as IMF Announced Debt Forgiveness for the Country.
The Central Bank of Somalia is delighted to welcome the decision by the Executive Board
of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (WB) on granting debt
relief to Somalia under the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative. This is a
historic moment for Somalia, which marks another crucial milestone for the country’s
path to recovery and economic development.

The Ziraat Katilim Bank of Türkiye opens a branch in Somalia, becoming the first international bank to operate in the country for more than five decades.
The Central Bank of Somalia (CBS) is pleased to announce the official inauguration and
operationalization of Ziraat Katilim Bank, Somalia branch on 29th October, 2023. This
will further enhance the economic opportunities and trade between the Federal Government
of Somalia and it’s trading partners including the Republic of Türkiye.

The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, Dr. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, has reappointed Governor Abdirahman Mohamed Abdullahi for a second four-year term, effective July 17, 2023. This is in accordance with CBS Act Law No. 130 of April 22, 2012.
Over the past four years, the Central Bank of Somalia (CBS) has transformed itself into a policy-oriented, function-based institution under the leadership of Governor Abdirahman.

PRESS STATEMENT: Central Bank of Somalia Launches Quick Response Code Standard (SOMQR), a Move to Further Transform the Digital Payments Landscape:
The Central Bank of Somalia (CBS) has taken a significant step towards further transformation of digital payments with the announcement of a Unified National Quick Response Code for the country.

CBS has launched another progressive milestone in its quest to transform the financial sector of Somalia. As of 27th March 2023, the use of IBAN across all transactions going through the National Payment System (NPS) have been successfully adopted by all banks in Somalia.

The Central Bank of Somalia is Delighted to Win Central Banking’s 10th
Annual Award on Payments and Market Infrastructure Development.
The Central Bank of Somalia (CBS) receives with honour Central Banking’s Payments and Market.

War-Saxaafadeed: Ladagaalanka lacagdhiqista iyo ka hortagga maalgelinta
Nofeembar 14, 2022- Bankiga Dhexe ee Soomaaliya ayaa maanta wuxuu shir la qaatay
madaxda bankiyada gaarka loo leeyahay oo shatiga ka haysta Bankiga Dhexe.

CBS Board Approves Banking Licenses to First 2 International Banks to Operate in Somalia
CBS Board of Directors held its ordinary meeting on the 2nd of July 2022. Amongst the topics discussed was licences application from two international banks, Egypt’s Banque Misr and Turkiye’s Ziraat Katilim.

Bankiga Dhexe ee Soomaaliya wuxuu maanta ruqsadda Mobile Money (License)
guddoonsiiyey shirkadda Hormuud Telecom. Waa markii ugu horeysay oo Bangiga Dhexe bixiyo ruqsad noocaan ah.

Farriin ku socota dadweynaha (Public Notice)
Waxaa waayadan dalka ku soo badanaya shirkado dadka lacago ka aruuriya,una sheega inay maalgelin ugu samaynayaan suuqa kala libsiga sarrifka lacagaha qalaad (Foreign Exchange Trading Market). Shirkadahaasi waxay macaamiishooda u ballan qaadaan faa'iido badan oo gaareysa 70%.

Central Bank of Somalia Welcomes the IMF Executive Board Conclusion Reached on Somalia’s Completion of the First Review Under the Staff Staff-Monitored Program (SMP)
Central Bank of Somalia is very pleased with conclusion reached by the Executive Directors of the IMF, in their meeting held on February 21st, 2018.

Shir looga arrinsanayey cabashada 50ka dollar oo Bankiga dhexe qabanqaabiyey
Bankiga Dhexe ee Soomaaliya ayaa shalay oo taartiikhdu ahayd 23ka Juun shir u qabtay madaxda sare ee Bankiyada..

On 27th February, 2021– the Central Bank of Somalia issued today Mobile Money license to Hormuud Telecom under the provision of mobile money service within the Federal Republic of Somalia.